You might think, “there’s a way to apply mascara like a pro? don’t we just brush some on our lashes and be done with it?” – I get you, I used to think that too. Why does something as simple as mascara need to be so complicated?
Well actually it isn’t. It’s just that there’s an art to applying it, one that will give you the most benefit out of that little tool, one that will have it curling your lashes better, extending the length, and keep it long-lasting.
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Mascara
Step 1: Curl Your Lashes (optional)

Some of you may not need to do this step especially if you’re genetically blessed with long lashes that curl naturally. If you have shorter lashes that need some help, curl your lashes to give that added “umph”.
Step 2: Hold Mascara Wand Horizontally and Apply Two Coats

Remove excess mascara by scraping the wand against the inner rim of the tube, then apply. You don’t want to have clumps! For a natural look, follow the direction of your lashes. Swish the inner lashes inwards towards your nose, and your outer lashes outwards towards your ear. Apply two coast of mascara (at least).
Step 3: Hold Mascara Wand Vertically and Coat Each Lash

Did you know you can use the liquid tip of your wand to apply a coat to each individual lash (upwards)? This just gives it that added boost, again optional. I would recommend this if you’re going for dramatic eye make-up or if you’re heading out at night.
Step 4: Bottom Lashes

Coat your lower lashes the same as you did in Step 2 and Step 3. First horizontal, then vertical.
TIP: Don’t forget to wiggle your wand as you apply the mascara. Move the brush left/right as you apply your coats.
These little tips should help your lashes look captivating, just in time for the year-end festive season. Bat those lashes, ladies!
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