Ladies (and men), as we enter a world of products infused with chemicals and processed oils, we’re finding that sometimes taking a step back into the basics can do wonders for our skin, our hair, and our overall well being. Nature is a source of natural nutrients and supplements that are so good for us. We just have to remember to dial it back and take a break from the manufactured stuff.
1. It’s amazing for your hair!

Warm up a few spoonfuls of coconut oil in a bowl, you want it slightly warm so that it liquifies the mixture and is easier to apply and rinse off. It also feels amazing when you apply the warm goodness to your scalp and hair. Massage it into your scale for about 30 seconds and then leave it to do its magic for about 15 minutes. You could leave it on longer – no harm. Some say the longer, the better because if gives your hair a very healthy drink of moisture and nutrients. Rinse off and voila – you’ll immediately notice the difference. You’ll hair feel softer and smoother, and will look healthier!
2. It’s amazing for your skin – especially on the beach, and off the beach

This is my go-to product whenever I’m going for an island getaway. After you’ve gone out in the sun and water – with your sunblock – and you head back for a shower, apply some coconut oil to damp skin and let it dry. It’ll give you this amazing healthy sheen AND looks really good with your tan. Keep this up even after you’ve come home from the beach, because the sun and the salt water would have seriously dried out your skin (and your hair), so lather it on! The trick here is to use it right after your shower when your skin is still wet and damp (not dry – this will just make you appear very oily).
3. It’s amazing for frizzy hair!

Just apply a tiny amount to your frizz and it’ll help keep it tame. Don’t over do this else you’ll just have flat greasy hair. Use sparingly.
4. It’s amazing as a makeup remover!

Apply it to your face directly and wipe off your makeup, or apply onto a cotton pad and wipe off your makeup. Even the toughest makeup will melt away.
Sceptical? Just do a google search on the benefits of coconut oil and you’ll find an endless stream of write-ups on this.
Also Read: 5 Super Health Benefits of Celery You Must Know About
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