The first and most important step of your beauty routine is cleansing your face. It may seems like cleansing is a simple task but turns out that some common lathering habits can be counterproductive and causes a whole list of skin woes such as breakouts and irritation. Here are six biggest face-washing mistakes that we have observed.
1. Not removing makeup before cleansing. First thing first, sunscreen is a makeup item. Whether or not you wear full face makeup, removing your makeup properly should be a priority.

2. Over-cleanse your skin. We get it, living in Malaysia your skin can get quite oily and it makes you want to wash your face more often. The truth is, washing your face more than twice a day can make your skin more irritated than it already is. To wash your face more effectively, you should wash your face twice a day. Once in the morning to remove the dirt that gathers while you’re sleeping, the second time at night to remove makeup and cleanse all the gunk out of your skin.

3. Not exfoliating. With the hectic lifestyle we live today it is so easy to get lazy about exfoliating. Exfoliating all over helps make hydration much more effective as serum and moisturizers are better absorbed into skin that’s not blocked by layers of dead cells and dirt.
4. Towel rubbing. Gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Our skin is the most delicate part of our body and it should be treated with great care. Rubbing pulls your skin which puts your elastin at risk.

5. Using hot water to wash your wash. There’s a belief that hot water opens pores and cold water closes them. Although it is a widespread idea, it’s actually a myth. The truth is that pores don’t have muscles to open and close. Hot water can causes damage on your skin’s natural, protective oils and lead to skin dryness or over production of sebum.
6. Not applying cleanser properly. Massage your face in a in small circular motion, making circles move outward from the centre of your face. Spend a little more time on your t-zone, the area that can produce more oil, and remember your jawline and along your hairline where you may have sweat.
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