Your skin reflects your body health. Poor eating habits have a number of skin problems such as acne. Therefore it is important to watch your diet. After all, a good and healthy complexion doesn’t come from what you use on your face daily, it comes from what you feed yourself.
If you are a food lover, you are in luck because you can eat your way to better skin with these healthy foods.
Here are five foods to include in your diet for healthy glowing skin.

Blueberries are packed with goodness, such as vitamin K, vitamin C, fibre, manganese and antioxidants, which helps delaying your ageing process in a natural way.

Tomatoes are high in lycopene which is a very important ingredient when it comes to protecting the skin and reducing skin damage. In order to fully make use of the lycopene from tomatoes, cook them because lycopene is absorbed more easily when the tomatoes have been cooked. Therefore, take advantage of those recipes that uses tomato (Spaghetti Bolognese!)

Corns are packed with the goodness of lutein, which consists of a similar function to lycopene. Lutein also protects the skin from the damaging rays of ultraviolet light.

The key ingredient from almonds which make our skin glow naturally is its great contribution of Vitamin E. The vitamin E in almonds can help nourish your skin and protect it from the sun’s damaging UV rays.

Dark green vegetable leaves like spinach is rich in vitamin E, a nutrient which helps repair and regenerate the skin. Besides vitamin also assists in the removal of impurities from your skin.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Lighten Your Dark Lips Without Breaking the Bank
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