A swipe of lipstick can transform your look instantly. The right lipstick colour can accentuate your natural features and make you glow.
Everyone desire beautiful pink rosy lips. However you cannot be wearing lipstick at all times to cover your dark lips.

There are a number of factors that can cause your lips to get darker. Apart from having dry lips, smoking, too much caffeine intake, hormonal imbalances can also contribute to a dark lips.
The good news is, you don’t have to go under the knife to lighten dark lips. Let’s look at some natural home remedies to help you in lightening dark lips without having to pay thousands of dollars to do it.
Beetroot juice

Beetroot consists of natural bleaching properties that can help you lighten your lips colour and make your lips look attractive. To get started, all you have to do is add some drops of water to the beetroot puree and mix it up evenly, then follow by spreading the puree evenly on the lips. Let it dry and rinse clean with water.
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Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder, flour, sugar, in a bowl and add a few drops of lemon to create a paste. Next, dampen your lips and exfoliate gently your lips for one minute. Turmeric can help remove dead cells and keep your lips looking fresh and pink.
Lemon with honey

Lemons will lighten coloured lips and honey will nourish and moisturize your lips so that lips look naturally red.
Before you go to bed, massage your lips with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Otherwise, you can mix lemon juice with honey and rub evenly over your lips for a few minutes until it is absorbed and let this stay there for few hours to get rid of dark lips.
Almond oil

Mix almond oil with honey and massage over your lips for about five minutes. Do this every night before going to bed. Not only almond oil will help brighten your lips, your lips will feel more moisturized than usual.
Cucumber juice

Take a slice of cucumber and rub it over your lips for few minutes until the juice absorbed into your lips. Leave it on overnight then wash off when you wake up. Repeat this daily.
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– Cover Image: club.cloudsaz.com