googleimg-thingAccording to, Google and Elle magazine have collaborated to reveal the world’s most-searched beauty questions and to get the answers from experts in the industry.

Nowadays, many of us will turn to a search engine for answers whenever we have a question including beauty. For most people, it is difficult to discern between answers from authority and answers that err on the side of urban legends. Therefore, Elle magazine has teamed up with Google to compile a list of the most-searched beauty questions in the world. They divided up the questions by nation and provide answers to these questions from experts in the industry.

In France, for example, the most searched beauty question is “When does makeup expire?” In Brazil, on the other hand, the most common question is how often it is okay to shampoo hair while South Korean is the most inquisitive about whether or not foundation is bad for acne. In India, people look up what vitamins are good for hair and skin and in Nigeria, people want to know how to make their hair feel soft.

Earlier this year, Google and Elle magazine did the same search for the most popular beauty questions in the United States. The data revealed that Florida wants to know how to hide wrinkles, South Dakota and West Virginia wants to look like Marilyn Monroe, and New York wants to know how to get Beyonce’s glow without makeup.

Not only does Google and Elle’s latest collaboration reveal the beauty concerns and priorities of people around the world, it also provides users with expert answers that can set the record straight.
