While it can be scary to find your hair all over the bathroom floor, in the sink, on your pillow, in your hair brush, on your hair tie…. you get the idea…. there are ways to prevent your hair falling off your head.
How to Stop Your Hair from Falling Out?
1. Get Your Dose of Protein

Protein is essential to good hair health, so if you notice your hair getting weaker or falling out more, try to up your intake of protein, such as chicken, eggs, yogurt, beef and so on. Protein is essential to retain the structure within your hair.
Related: Top 15 Nutrient Rich Food
2. Reduce the Frequency of Washing Your Hair

Living in a hot and humid country, it’s often very tempting to wash your hair every day. But if you notice that this is actually causing your hair to fall out, try washing your hair every other day. This will reduce aggravating your scalp and all the pulling and tugging with wet hair.
3. Be Gentle when Combing Wet Hair

Try not to use a brush with close bristles when your hair is wet. Wet hair is weaker and prone to breakage, so best to apply some oil or detangling oil before you comb through to help detangle any knots. Go for a wide-tooth comb which will be gentler.
4. Supplements like Zinc and Biotin can be Good for Your Hair Health

Take a supplement that has zinc and biotin – both of which help you strengthen your hair. You may not always be getting the health dose from food, so taking a supplement will help.
5. Reduce Your Stress

Though this is almost impossible to do, try methods to keep yourself calm and eliminate as much stress as possible. Stress is a huge factor for many ailments in our life, and hair loss is definitely one of them. Find an outlet for your stress.
6. Minimise Styling Your Hair with Heat

We often turn to our trusted hair dryer, and hair straightener or curler when styling our hair but little do we realise this is actually causing much damage to it. It weakens our hair follicles and which will cause it to fall out – so when you’re able to give your hair a break, do that. Let it air dry and don’t use styling irons.
7. Get a Head Massage

Sometimes poor circulation can cause hair loss, by slowly massaging your scalp you will improve circulation and feel great. Some may even add a scalp treatment while you’re at this.
8. Love Your Hair!

Go for regular trims whenever you notice split ends, pamper yourself with a treatment, minimise heat and chemical styling, and do what you can to keep it at its best shape.
Read also: How to Keep Your Curls under Control in Our Humid Weather