It’s the vicious cycle – you feel like your hair is too long and lacks life so you feel adventurous and decide to get a shorter do. A few months down the line, and you decide you want to grow your hair out (only to want to chop it off again).
Some of us are blessed with hair that grows fast naturally, while for others it’s a painstaking process and your hair just never seems to grow – no matter how long you stare at it.

Here are 4 ways you can try to speed up the process
1. Visit a hair specialist to understand your hair needs. You need to understand the state your hair condition is in. Some would say to consume biotin supplements to speed up hair growth, but an overdose of biotin is harmful to your health. An adult is advised to consume only 25mg of biotin. Also, biotin helps for hair loss, weak or brittle hair. If that isn’t you, then more likely than not, you don’t need biotin. Go to a hair scalp specialist and have your scalp looked at to understand the specific needs for you.
Related: 8 Ways to Prevent & Stop Your Hair from Falling Out

2. Eat a healthy diet with nutrients for your hair. Whole grains, along with foods rich in calcium and the amino acid cysteine all promote hair growth. Cysteine is found in foods including poultry, eggs, red peppers, garlic, onions, Brussels spouts, yogurt, oatmeal, and broccoli. And if you prefer to stay away from supplements like the ones mentioned above, you can get your biotin from nuts (especially almonds and peanuts) egg yolks, soybeans, and fish.
Related: Beauty Benefits of Vitamin B-complex for your Skin, Hair, and Health

3. Promote hair growth with regular scalp massages. Giving yourself an at-home scalp massage increases blood flow to the scalp, which helps nutrients get to your follicles more quickly. So when you’re shampooing or rinsing your hair, try massaging your head with your fingertips to stimulate hair growth.
Related: Pamper Yourself to a Hair Spa at Home with These 5 DIY Recipes

4. Wash your hair less often. We’d love to wash our hair daily especially in this heat and with all the sweat we go through, but it actually strips your hair of its natural oil that helps keep it healthy and strong. You’ll also find that the oil promotes hair growth, so reduce the times you wash your hair. If you blowdry your hair on the day you wash, it will last longer and you can use dry shampoo to extend your blow out.
Related: Could You Be Washing Your Hair Wrong?

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