A change in diet can make a world of a difference. For those who enjoy food and sex, you are in luck. Because to put some sizzle back into your sex life, all it takes is adding a few key foods into your diet to boost libido and amp up your sex life.
These foods will supercharge your desire and enhance your performance on your bed so that you could have an amazing sexy time between the sheets.

Avocados are cholesterol- and sodium-free, and they are loaded with monounsaturated fat, making them good for your arteries and heart. As we all know, any food that’s good for the heart is good for a good flood flow; helps keep blood flowing to all the right places. 😉

Oysters are high in zinc, which is one of the best food out there to trigger a surge in the production of sex hormones. But if you are not a fan of these slimy creatures, you can opt for shellfish like oysters, clams, crabs, lobsters and mussels.

Praised for its arousal aid since the first century, arugula makes an excellent aphrodisiac (a food that stimulates sexual desire). Besides they are high in vitamins and minerals and it can be easily fit into your salads, pasta, and smoothies.

Almonds are packed with the goodness of arginine, a type of amino acid which helps improve blood circulation and relax blood vessels. In addition to the health benefits, almonds also enhance erectile response.

Asparagus is rich in a B vitamin called folate that helps in increasing production of histamine. Histamin fuels sexual function which helps activate sexual nerves.

Strawberries are also added to the list of the most powerful natural Viagra foods due to its excellent source of folic acid and B vitamin that helps ward off birth defects in women.

It was said that these funny looking fruits were one of Cleopatra’s favourite foods, and they have been prized as a sensual food for their resemblance of your vajayjay.
Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain high amount of beto-carotene with plenty of vitamin A, which increases fertility by promoting better cervical fluid.
Also Read: 5 Foods You Should Consume to Get Clear Glowing Skin Naturally
– Cover Image: woman.dk