We are always thinking about ways to spring clean our external environment, the one we live and breathe in. But how about ways to spring clean our inner beings? Our body is a temple, and we should treat it in the best way possible. Without a physically fit body, we are not able to feel our best and therefore do and be our best.
Let’s look at some of the natural ways we can detox our system. Some of these may be really hard to do, but the benefits will pay off.

1. Eat more fruits and veg. Consume as much fruit as you possibly can, and think about those that are known to flush out impurities from our bodies.
2. Eliminate processed food. Try to eliminate sugar, gluten, alcohol, dairy, caffeine, soy, and non-organic meat for around two to four weeks. You’ll start to notice a change in how your body feels, re-introduce these foods one by one and observe the way it makes you feel. Do you feel more sluggish when you consume sugar?
3. Drink water. While you’re working on the different juices to drink to cleanse your body, don’t forget that water is crucial. Keep in mind that a juice-only cleanse may not give you the calories or nutrients that you require.
Related: Drinking 7 Glasses of Water Can Cut 200 Calories

4. Eat more cabbage. Cabbage is made up of approximately 92 percent water. It is a natural diuretic that can help expel excess fluids from the body. It also helps flush out unwanted toxins while also giving your body a boost of many essential vitamins, including C, K, E, and A, minerals, dietary fiber, and folic acid.
5. Pineapple. Fresh pineapple is not only sweet and delicious, but it also aids in detoxing your body, thanks to the presence of bromelian, a powerful digestive enzyme. This enzyme has been proven to aid in digesting protein, breaking down fats, and reducing inflammation. Pineapple is also packed with manganese, which has been recommended by nutritionists as a way to boost your mood if you’re experiencing symptoms of PMS.
6. Lemon. Drinking a glass of water infused with lemon (or adding lemon to a mug of hot water) can help cleanse your body. Lemons contain antibacterial properties that help purify the blood and balance the pH level of your colon. The citrus fruit’s vitamin C will also help boost your immunity.

7. Bananas. Eating the fruit twice daily as a pre-meal snack can reduce belly-bloat and provide a healthy dose of potassium, which can help diminish water retention. The boost of potassium is also great for dreaded hangovers if you’ve had a late night out.
Related: 10 Healthy Reasons to Eat Bananas Regularly
8. Garlic, ginger and onions. These three amazing foods contain compounds that are helpful to detoxify your liver, onions too. When the liver isn’t clogged up with toxins, our hormones and metabolism is happy.
Also read: Healthy Bites: Nutrition Filled Red Onions are Good for You
9. Become a nutter. All nuts are full of amino acids and protein-rich. They have no sugar and they are satiating. Nuts are full of essential fatty acids, and are great brain-food too. Snack on nuts throughout your day at work and you’ll find yourself more productive and clear-headed.
10. Green tea. Green tea is high in flavonoids which speeds up liver activity and increases production of detoxification enzymes.

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