25 Amazing Reasons to Drink Wheatgrass Everyday for Beauty and Health

Image: cabinorganic.com

Wheatgrass is the young grass of the common wheat plant called triticum aestivum, an incredible edible grass that can be juiced into a “wheatgrass shot,” or milled down into a fine green powder that is used to create a multipurpose product for both humans and animals.

Lots of testimonies and studies have emerged over the years on the benefits of consuming raw wheatgrass juice for health conditions including the common colds and coughs, constipation and colitis, skin conditions, infections and inflammations. It is also increasingly being researched for heart diseases and cancer.

Image: balconygardenweb.com
Image: balconygardenweb.com

Leading supplier of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice and smoothies company Juice Works Malaysia shares 25 reasons you need to try this powerful shot of greens.

1. Wheatgrass is a treasure chest of live chlorophyll, which gives leafy plants its signature deep green colours, and serves as a crucial component for blood

2. This delicate plant contains a multitude of the freshest vitamins, minerals and enzymes in one easy to digest drink

3. Chlorophyll contains living enzymes, which fights free radicals in the body to slow down the aging process

4. Chlorophyll helps manage and even halts the growth of unfriendly bacteria from growing and thriving in the body



Image: thebodacleanse.com.au
Image: thebodacleanse.com.au

5. While chlorophyll can be extracted from various plants, wheatgrass contains a far superior amount as it includes vast stores of other element

6. Chlorophyll helps heal and treat layers of the skin for conditions such as eczema, itching and poisoning

7. Wheatgrass helps clears up congestions and colds and even chronic sinusitis

8. Chlorophyll helps to purify the liver from an overload of toxins ingested daily

Image: womenfitness.net
Image: womenfitness.net

9. It also helps balance blood sugar levels

10. Wheatgrass is regarded as nutritionally complete food as it contains a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements required by the body

11. It helps detoxifies the body in many ways

Image: body enlightenment.me
Image: body enlightenment.me

12. Wheatgrass helps to deal with irritable bowel disease and improves digestion

13. It is also a skin cleanser and can be absorbed if the body is immersed in a warm tub with the juice included

14. Wheatgrass aids in arthritis pain relieve when placed over a joint, as chlorophyll fights inflammation

15. Dandruff problems? Just rub a few tablespoons of wheatgrass juice over the scalp and let it soak for 20 minutes. It’s even been said to help with reversing the appearance of gray hair!

Image: organicauthority.com
Image: organicauthority.com

16. Wheatgrass is safe for those who are allergic or intolerant to gluten because it’s harvested before the grain has begun

17. Wheatgrass creates an oxygen-rich environment in the human body

18. It also helps heals scars when it’s rubbed across the skin or alternatively, you can just pour the juice into an ice cube tray to freeze and used at any time

19. Wheatgrass is an invaluable aid for weight loss as its manages the thyroid gland and its abundance of elements also help you with cravings

Image: organicauthority.com
Image: organicauthority.com

20. Wheatgrass acts as a great natural mouthwash. Gargle wheatgrass juice for a few minutes where it helps to prevent tooth decay, alleviate toothaches and treat bleeding gums

21. Wheatgrass contains anti-oxidant properties, which help lower total blood cholesterol and increase HDL or good cholesterol and levels of vitamin C in the blood

22. Wheatgrass is rich in fibre content, which improves digestive health especially when consumed as part of a diet rich with soluble and insoluble fibres like fresh fruits and vegetables

Image: detoxologue.com
Image: detoxologue.com

23. It improves eyesight on a whole especially night vision24. It is a natural sleeping aid yet it also helps improve nerve signaling and creates better mental wellbeing

24. It is a natural sleeping aid yet it also helps improve nerve signaling and creates better mental wellbeing25. Wheatgrass offers a power packed boost to the immune by increasing the red blood cell count to offer more energy

25. Wheatgrass offers a power packed boost to the immune by increasing the red blood cell count to offer more energy

Read also: Drink Your Way to Good Gut Health with Vitagen