A well-boosted metabolism is vital for good health. Despite practicing a healthy diet, you could be eating food that slow down your metabolism without knowing it.
Perhaps you may not be realised the damage these “metabolism killer” foods does. Or you could be thinking that these foods don’t really affect you because you’re already living a healthy lifestyle.
You can try all sorts of healthy diet and workout every single day. However if the food you consume is affecting your metabolism, it’s best to avoid those foods. These are the six foods that are ruining your metabolism and weight loss efforts.
1. Doughnut

Doughnuts consist high amount of processed flour and sugar. As if this weren’t enough, bear in mind that doughnuts are fried. Hence doughnuts are in this list due to their abundance of saturated fat and trans fat. However if you’re desperate for doughnuts, try this “fo-nuts” recipe by Cassey Ho from Blogilates where she made these almond-flour based doughnuts without deep frying or adding sugar.
2. Pasta

Standard pastas are produced with refined flour. Refined flour acts like sugar in the body, causing spikes in your blood sugar and triggering weight gain, which can leave you feeling lethargic. To avoid these effects, opt for wholemeal pasta which made from flour that uses the entire grain seed and contains more protein than refined-wheat pasta.
3. Milk

Milk is often labelled as a health food for stronger bone, but it could hurting your metabolism. This is because during pasteurisation process, milk loses most of its natural nutrients. As a result, to avoid nutritional loss, artificial minerals and vitamins are added into the milk. These ingredients require more effort from your body to be processed by the digestive system. Therefore opt for low fat milk or almond milk, soy milk whichever suits your preference.
4. Fast Food

We all know that fast food are generally unhealthy and can cause various diseases. As a result we tend to consume them in moderate amounts or avoid them all, however we rarely think about food that might be food for our body but slows down metabolism rate.
Some of the reasons why you should avoid fast food are: they are rich in sugar and salt, the patties are rich in antibiotics that could harm your health, the buns are low nutritional benefit, and so on.
5. Soft Drinks

We tend to feel much more energized after taking a few sips from our favourite soft drinks. However this effect only lasts for a while. Then you will become more tired than before. The reason is because these soft drinks are high in fructose. The best thing to do is, avoid these drinks and remember, water is always the best option.
6. Fruit Juice

Regular consumption of packaged juice could destroy your body and ruin your metabolism in several ways, including causing cravings, sluggishness and inflammation. Most fruit juices consist of high level of sugar, which is the biggest culprit in destroying your metabolism.
Read also: This Is What Happen When You Drink Honey Everyday
– Cover Image: runtastic.com