Over the decades, people from different parts of the world have been practising their culturally own method of skincare using various ingredients. Range from fruits, herbs, or medicinal plants, every single ingredient are believed to be the agent of anti-ageing either it is to be consumed or applied on the outer side of the body. Ancient Egyptians used Moringa oils and castor to keep them look young over time. While their women renowned as using milk and honey during the bath to keep their skin moisturized. As skin care is everyone’s practice, here are nine suggested ingredients to help you keep your skin fight wrinkles and keep on with your younger looks.

Basil is a plant comes from Lamiaceae. It is a native plant from Asia and Africa. People always put it in their cooking and dishes, either in the dried form or the fresh one. Basil is among the antioxidants source to consume. The antioxidants activity of phenolic measured higher than the rose hips but at the same level with red and black raspberry. The major antioxidant compound is a result of Rosmarinic acid found in sweet basil or another type of Lamiaceae plants.
2Bay leaves

This particular plant is originated to the Mediterranean suburb and Asia region. Bay leaves have a sweet aroma and usually put together when making pasta tomatoes-based sauce. It also acts as part of seasoning to many Turkish, Greek or Armenian dishes by crushed or powdered leaves. Bay leaves contain spirafolide which have effects against the toxicity of dopamine, later contributed to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Bay leaves have both of antioxidant and antibacterial activity.

This herb easily found on the kitchen rack of Asian or Middle Eastern houses. Some people called it Greek hay or methi. It is a native plant of Mediterranean, West Asian region and south-eastern Europe. It usually an essential part of Indian curry cooking. The fenugreek part that we always see is the dried ripe seed, and it can be found as a whole or in the form of ground fenugreek. Fenugreek seeds consist of Vitamin A, niacin and thiamine with purposes of preventing complications of the nervous systems, reducing cholesterol and the risk of getting heart diseases. Fenugreek has a strong antioxidant activity, which helps to prevent cell damage.

Nigella sativa is a botanical name of black cumin or black caraway seed. It is also among native plants of Mediterranean suburb. We used the part of Nigella seed or its essential oil to consume. It has pungent, strong, nutty and oily flavour and aroma. It is considered as antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory substances for our body. The extracts show the strong process of antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities, which help to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals.
5Black pepper

Also known with a variable name including piper, pepper, maricha, peper, or pimento. As of 2017, Vietnam exported 34% of the world’s pepper market, made it the biggest producer of pepper. It is broadly planted in tropically climate countries such as Indonesia and India. It has a peppery and woody flavour with penetrating aroma. It also has the highest antioxidant activity among any other group of food such as seeds, legumes, leafy vegetables and roots.

Ancient Greeks called it with “antos” or “libanotis” because of its incense smell. It is also originated from Mediterranean regions and raised in countries like Algeria, Spain, Portugal, Tunisia and Morocco. It is an aromatic plant with purple coloured flower, used with both dried or freshly picked leaves. Some said that it has slight aroma similarities with eucalyptus. Researches have shown that rosemary has high antioxidant properties as well. Extracts of rosemary contain a high volume of polyphenols, which helps to prevent oxidative damage that brings to the ageing.

It is considered the most lavish herbs because of its pricey value. A pound of saffron can cost you around 500 to 5000 dollars, with the premium type of saffron comes from Iran and the region of Kashmir. It takes 210,000 of stigmas from Crocus sativus flowers just for a pound of saffron. It has been used since the period of Assyria and Babylon empire. Saffron produced a yellowish golden colour if it soaked in the water. Saffron often found as one of the ingredients in sunscreen lotion, as its antioxidant effects could protect the skin from sunlight damage which can lead to the risk of having cancer.

Both parts of flower and leaves of thyme can be used in the cooking. It is widely used in Italian dishes and believe it or not, you can make thyme tea as it has a minty flavour. It is native to the southern part of Europe. Thyme oil was found as the most powerful antioxidants. A research conducted in Valsesia, Italy have shown significant antioxidant activities from methanol extracts from wild-collected thyme. Thyme oil showed strong antibacterial and antioxidative activities as well.

It is not too much if we can say that all Asian houses will have at least a small bowl of turmeric in their kitchen, considered as an essential spice in Asian cooking. Not only acts as part of the food but also plays a role in textile industries as a dye agent. It is originated from Southeast Asia and harvested widely in India. It has an earthy and spicy flavour, leaving a yellow coloured effect if we hold it with a bare hand. It helps in reduces scars and works well on your pore.
Natural ingredients are safe to consume with the right amount of it. Consumers nowadays tend to apply natural ingredients as an alternative to unnatural cosmetic products. Modern days products contain much more harmful substances such as paraben, which associated with breast cancer as studies found the existent of paraben in breast tumors.
Source: Article contributed by hellodoktor.com
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