Ready to train for and run a marathon? No matter you are new or frequent runner for marathon, it’s always a good idea to revisit tips and tricks for training and improving your performance. Aubrie Haymore, USANA Wellness Coordinator and Certified Exercise Physiologist, recommends her top six training tips to get you ready for racing season:
1. Warm Up

Begin each training session (and even race day!) with a light jog or walk to warm up your muscles before you begin your paced run. This will help to preserve your glycogen stores and keep your core body temperature down. It’s also a good idea to precede and follow your warmup with a few minutes of stretching.
2. Refuel
It is always important to fuel for endurance activities that last over 90 minutes. The recommended fueling is 60-70g/carb per hour of exercise. Try out a few different types of quick energy beans, gels or bars and see which ones feel best in your body and are easy on your stomach. Be sure to drink water along with whatever fuel you choose.
3. Run a half-marathon

About a month before your race, it’s a good idea to test your fitness. This is also a great way to give yourself a little mental lift and inspire you to maintain your training schedule all the way through to race day.
4. Run a dress rehearsal
Four to five days before your race, do a two- to three-mile marathon-pace run in your marathon outfit and shoes to ensure that you are comfortable and prepared for the real thing.
5. Carb-load

During the last three days before your race, fuel up on carbohydrate-rich foods like whole grain pasta, potatoes, bread and fruits. The added carbs will energize your body on race day.
6. Take a glucosamine supplement
Your routine should include supplementing each day to help support joint health and regulate normal cartilage function. A good supplement will support natural collagen production to help lubricate and cushion your joints.
Read also: Marathon Nutrition Tips by Emma Rose: Power Up with Protein and Carbs