Under Armour brings you Will to Run 2019, Asia’s first online run challenge. The Will to Run aims to inspire running revolution to different run whether you are a beginner runner, ultra-runner or aspirants across Asia.
It is an virtual or online run challenge which allows runners to run anywhere around the world during the specific period of time. There is no starting point or place to the run. To be entitled for the run, runners will need to track the distance throughout the run through tracking mobile app such as MapMyRun. MapMyRun is the best mobile run tracking experience by the world’s largest digital health and fitness community.
The categories for participants are the basic and classic categories. Each category offers a distance of 21km, 42km and 84km to be completed within a specific period of time during the challenge. The challenge takes place from the 1st April 2019 to 21st April 2019.
How to participate?
- Step 1: Sign up for the online challenge through https://www.spacebib.com/
events/view/will-to-run- online-challenge-2019-433# overview - Step 2: Complete the challenge or race using GPS- enabled running app, fitness tracker or treadmill to track your run at any time or anywhere.
- Step 3: Submit the results and you will receive the awards and entitlements once the results are validated.