ASICS Invites The World To Move And See How Sport Uplifts Their Own Mind

Asics Uplifting Minds x Napoleon Salomon

ASICS invites the world to experience the uplifting power of sport and be part of the world’s first live study into the impact of movement on the mind. ASICS is inspiring people to move and see the uplift on their own mind, their city, and their entire nation.

The Mind Uplifter™

ASICS is enabling everyday athletes all over the world to see, for the first time, the impact of movement on their own mind. Using a combination of facial scanning technology and self-report data collection, people will be able to capture the impact of sport across 10 emotional and cognitive metrics – including confidence, positivity, calm and focus – to see how different sports impact how they think and feel.

Uplifting Minds Research

This data will feed into a live global study, capturing individual Mind Uplifts from around the world and visually transforming them into a dynamic and interactive World Uplift Map. The map will quantify the positive impact that sport is having on the collective mood of cities, nations and the world as a whole. Through the live study, ASICS will deepen its understanding of the relationship between movement and the mind on a global scale, underpinning its belief that sport has the power to uplift minds all over the world.

Now ASICS is robustly applying the findings in a way that will enable the rollout of the study on a global scale, enabling athletes everywhere to see and experience the impact of movement on the mind first-hand for any one of 25 different sports of their choosing.

Uplifting a Million Minds

ASICS is inviting everyday athletes all over the world to experience the uplifting power of sport and become one of the million minds moved in 2021. The project kicks off on Global Running Day 2021, with ASICS challenging runners everywhere to use the Mind Uplifter™ to capture their pre and post run mental wellbeing before sharing their results on social media using #UpliftingMinds. Runners can take part directly or get active alongside thousands of runners around the world by taking part in the WORLD UPLIFTING MINDS RUN, available via the Race Roster and ASICS Runkeeper™ apps throughout June.

As well as running, ASICS will host a series of other sporting events across the year to encourage wider participation and demonstrate the power of all sports to uplift the mind.

To get involved, and join the world’s first live study into the impact of movement on the mind:

  1. GO to to capture your Mind Uplift.
  2. SCAN your face to read your emotional state.
  3. ANSWER scientifically developed questions to gauge your brain function.
  4. COMPLETE at least 20 minutes of exercise to uplift your mind.
  5. REPEAT steps two and three.
  6. GET your Mind Uplift results and SHARE them on your social channels.
  7. SEE how your results contribute to the World Uplift Map (from July 1).

To find out more about ASICS’ mission to move one million minds, visit:

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