Nowadays, the gym and workout culture has become a very satisfying lifestyle choice—and it’s not something we are shying away from, because it brings more good than anything.
What’s the secret to health and happiness? If you are looking to get fitter and stronger, but do not know where to start, here are five habits that strong and healthy people do every day to become mentally and physically stronger.
1. Never skipping a workout
Exercise became vital “me” time for people who are dedicated to their fitness. Therefore they will never skip a workout that they have planned that day, even if they only have less than 30 minutes to sweat. Besides that, they also know the importance of having rest day. But if you have committed to an exercise program, stick to it.
2. Feed your brain and heart
At the dining table, aim to fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits, eat plenty of omega-3 foods which can be found naturally in fish such as salmon and halibut, and fortified in things such eggs, milk, and fruit juice, come with a wealth of benefits for your mind and body.
3. Set goals
Every strong and healthy people have to juggle fitness and careers, so it is simply a must to be disciplined and well prepared. They set goals and plan their day ahead. They pack their clothes, food and shoes in a bag and leave it at the front door, so that they won’t be late or forget anything.
4. Cut back on alcohol
While it’s normal to have a drink or two during a holiday celebration, do you know when you’ve had enough? Moderation is key. Set a limit, and keep track of the amount you’ve drink. Alcohol is basically worthless in terms of nutrition. It would be even better if you could quit drinking.
5. Getting enough sleep
Every fit Malaysian clocks in at least 7-8 hours nightly to allow their muscles to repair after a workout and give you enough energy to work out to the best of your ability. It’s also critical for a strong immune system, a healthy metabolism, and anti-aging. Always remember: discipline and consistency is sexy.
Related: 8 Smart Tricks to Motivate Yourself to Workout
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