You know that feeling you get when you need to travel but you’re also a little annoyed that it could mean disruptions to your workout routine? Because we all know a hotel gym doesn’t quite cut it, I mean we’ll use it when we absolutely have to, but it just doesn’t have the same effect.
We’ve discovered a few workouts you can do right in your own hotel room, which is great for those early mornings and you don’t even have to worry about getting dressed! You’ll still get your high intensity exercise for the day, and don’t have to worry about losing your progress before you head on down for that hearty hotel breakfast.
Here are six exercises you can do in your hotel room while you travel.

Split Squat – Cross Crunch
Begin in a split stance with your right foot forward, hands clasped behind your head. Keep most of your weight on your right leg as you lower into a squat, letting your left knee drop down to almost (or lightly) touch the floor.
Press up out of your squat and draw your left knee in front of your body and across to your right shoulder, turning your right elbow into your knee. Return to your starting position. That’s one rep. Do 15 consecutive reps on one leg and then repeat on the other side.

The Plank
Begin in a modified plank position on your forearms, hands clasped together. Brace your abs in tight and press down through your shoulders and arms as you lift your hips up to the ceiling and your chest back towards your feet. Keep your abs tight as you lower back into your plank position.
Also Read: 7 Reasons the Plank Exercise Should Be Your New Best Friend
Slide Plank
Lie on your right side with your knees straight, feet stacked. Prop your upper body up on your right elbow and forearm. Raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders, and place your left hand behind your head.
Slowly lower your right hip to the floor as you rotate your left elbow down to your right hand. Lightly tap your right hip on the floor (don’t sit on it) and then lift back up as you open your elbow up and return to your starting position. That’s one rep. Do 15 reps on the right, 15 on the left.
Other body weight exercises
Do push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, squats, burpees at least for fifteen minutes before starting your activities for the day.
Yoga is a great way to stretch, build core muscles, and relieve stress. It requires very little equipment- just a simple mat, which many hotels offer free of charge or you can bring your own, rolled up in a suite case. Yoga has additional benefits beyond just fitness- you may find that it actually enhances your relaxation on the trip.
Jump Rope
Jump ropes take up almost no space and can easily be packed in a bag. Bring a rope and do some high intensity cardio in your room, the fitness center, or outside. There is a reason you see so many boxers jumping rope, it’s an excellent way to improve your heart health.
Here’s a great infographic by

Also Read: 5 Reasons You Should Jump Rope More for a Healthy Workout
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