You’ve set a fitness goal, you’re very excited about it, and started your journey to success. However after several weeks or months down the road you’ve lost your motivation to either workout regularly or eat healthily.

Does this sound familiar?  Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Most of us will lose motivation somewhere down the road, especially when it comes to diet and fitness goals. Luckily for you, I’m here to share my top 5 tips to help you get back on your workout game by finding your enthusiasm again.

Also Read: 5 Reasons Why You Should Always Warm up before Working Out

Change your mind-set


Whether its fitness or personal goals, everything starts from within, not on the outside. Change the perception by being more aware of your thoughts. When it’s time for you to hit the gym or eat those greens, think about the benefits, not the difficulties. We generally think exercise is tough and how it makes you tired — when you catch yourself thinking these thoughts, don’t dive deeper into it!

Instead, switch your mentality immediately into thinking how good it will make you feel right after exercising. And how you are one step closer to that bikini body you are prepping for this summer.  Always remember that when you’re in control of your thoughts and emotions, your actions tend to follow the positive energy you put out.

Shows your emotions who is the boss and create the live you want.

Be part of a workout community


Although the road to success is typically lonely, it can be extremely tough to accomplish some goals on your own. Sometimes, we women need direction hence it’s important to find your support network.

Whether it’s in the real world or an online community, I advise you to do this by getting a workout buddy, join fitness classes, get a fitness trainer or join online communities such as or Facebook groups.

Also Read: 5 Surprising Reason Why Running Is Not the Best Cardio to Lose Weight

Always reward yourself after little progress


Having a clear goal makes it easier for us to track our progress, however to stay motivated you need to recognize your process not just track it.

I advise you to take a time to recognize the milestones you have achieve at the end of a workout or at the end of the day and the positive feelings you’ve gain for sticking by your workout plan.

This daily self-reflection will make you stay motivated and committed in eating healthy and to continue pushing yourself in the gym. And of cause, external rewards will help too. If you’ve lost anywhere from 2 to 5 kgs, reward yourself with a set of high heels or that Nike shoe you’ve always wanted. The more you recognize and reward your progress, the more you’ll push yourself to achieving new milestones, hence achieving your fitness goal.

Don’t stressed yourself, make it fun!


So, you’ve missed a workout session or chance to eat healthy due to your hectic lifestyle. Or you just feel you’re not up for it today. Be kind to yourself, take a break. It’s not the end of the world, you’ve not sabotaged your goal, just by missing couple of workout session or not sticking to your diet plan for 2 or 3 days.

I’m just like you, I’ve had my down days where I’m just not up for eating healthy or hitting the gym. What’s important is for you to pick yourself back up and get back on track as soon as can! Once you’ve regained your motivation, get moving and get focus!

Go public


The final tip is to go public with your fitness goal, I encourage you to share your fitness goal with your family members, friends, or on social media. It’s important to get support from love ones, but even if they aren’t supporting you for your fitness goal, you’ve in a way set a challenge for yourself not to look bad at others.

This can be the biggest motivation for you to go the extra mile and prove to yourself! Make sure you hold yourself accountable to your words, commit on giving progress updates to everyone about once a week.

Let me know your fitness goals down below the comment session! And don’t forget to like or share this article!

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