There are a few things you can resolve to do in order to “add years to your life”. In fact, research has shown it’s never too late to start healthy habits.
Here are five things you can do to increase life longevity.
1. Walk more, sit less

According to a study by Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, people who worked more than 55 hours a week had more risk of dementia, a set of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain. Consistently working long hours is harmful for mental functioning. On top of that, women who work more than 51 hours a week are more likely to have high blood pressure than those who don’t log extra hours. Thefore, it’s advisable to cut down on your desk bounds moments and enjoy life a little.
2. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep could lead to increase appetite, according to a study carried out by University of Bristol. Researchers found out that people who spent less than 8 hours of sleep were shown to have a greater likelihood of being heavier.
3. Cut down on watching television

Watching television for an extra two hours a day increased the rate of obesity by 25%, and diabetes by 14%. “Compared with other sedentary behaviours, TV watching is associated with lower resting metabolic rate,” said Dr Frank Hu, the lead researcher. “Also, people tend to eat junk foods while watching TV, due to constant exposure to food commercials.”
4. Stop eating mainly processed foods

A finding of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, reveals that each 50 gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. The findings of IARC further said that the consumption of red meat may associate with colon, prostate and pancreatic cancers although it has nutritional value.
5. Let go of grudges and forgive

A study from the Harvard Medical Constant bad feelings are like pollutants in your body, triggering inflammation the lungs just like cigarette smoke does. However, we are not saying that you should forget the incident ever happened. They key lies in channelling your anger the right way.
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