After months of planning, your beach vacation is finally within reach. While you are enjoying your vacation, you brought an unexpected visitor along with you: your period.
Getting your period unexpectedly can be really frustrating. However, you can take steps to prepare yourself. Here are five great ways to prepare yourself for an unexpected menstruation.
1. Keep a spare in your bag. You can never predict the exact time for your periods. Hence always keep a pad/tampon in all your bags if you’re one to constantly switch your bags.

2. Be mindful of how your body changes before your period starts. PMS symptoms can begin to occur up to 10 days before we get our periods. But the most common one is probably bloating and weight gaining. This is because the fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone causes fluid retention around the waist area, resulting extra pounds in the days leading up to our period.
3. Analyse your cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is a sort of liquid secreted by the cervix. About five days before your period begins, your cervix will produce the largest amount of cervical mucus. This is because your estrogen levels begin to surge and it encourage more mucus discharge. If the cervical mucus thick, white and kind of sticky then your period may begin in few days.
4. Keep a period kit for comfort ready at all times. This comfort kit comes in handy during your time of the month. Grab an empty bag and put together all the things you need that help you feel comfortable during your cycle. It can include a few pain killers, a heating pad, a good book, chocolates, some snacks, and the menstrual products of your choice.

5. Stay positive. Although periods may be a pain in the uterus, they aren’t all doom and gloom. Always remember that having period is a sign of good health. It’s one of the best indicators that your reproductive system is healthy. And it lets you know that you’re not pregnant, yay!
Do note, however, if your unexpected period is heavier than usual or irregular, consider setting up an appointment for a check-up.
Read also: 6 Unexpected Ways to Pamper Yourself During Your Menstrual Cycle
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