Ever heard of taking hot bath to lose weight? The method actually works.
According to a study by Loughborough University in the UK, research found that having a hot bath for an hour can actually help you lose weight.
The research, published in the March issue of the journal “Temperature“, examined 14 men who took part in two tests: a one-hour bicycle ride and a one-hour bath in 104-degree-Fahrenheit water, to test out the impact of “passive heating”, which is the process of your body heating up through activities like saunas and warm bath.

They analysed data of the participants and found that, soaking into the tub for an hour-long reduce chronic inflammation and blood sugar spikes in ways that resemble an hour-long, moderately tough exercise.
Although the cycling burnt more calories, the researchers found that a hot bath used up as many calories (around 130 calories) as a 30-minute walk.

“The overall blood sugar response to both conditions was similar, but peak blood sugar after eating was about 10% lower when participants took a hot bath compared with when they exercised,” said lead author Dr Steve Faulkener.
This is not the first study to suggest that passive heating might have very definite health benefits. In particular, a study in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal from Finland in 2015 suggests that spending time in saunas may help reduce cardiovascular diseases in men.
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– Cover Image: diamonspas.com