In conjunction with World Obesity Day which falls on October 11, we would like to share with you some of the basic knowledge about Obesity.
Know the basics
What is obesity?
Obesity is a complex disorder involving the state has too much fat in the body. Obesity not only affects the patient’s physique, but also increases the risk of illness and health problems like heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Obesity and overweight are two different concepts. Overweight is a condition too much weight increases with height not only caused by excess fat, but also can be caused by many muscles or body water. Both conditions are serious impact on health.

How common is obesity?
Anyone can be obese if he does not have a diet and appropriate exercise. Obesity is usually diagnosed in people who do administrative work, office and average income levels but not too high. You can limit your ability to disease by reducing the risk factors. Please consult your doctor for more information.
Know the symptoms
What are the symptoms of obesity?
People with body mass index (BMI) greater than 25 is overweight, at 30 or higher is obese and at 40 or higher is obese serious. Body mass index (BMI) is a way to know a person overweight or not. The formula for calculating BMI is:
BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m) x height (m))
For most people, BMI helps estimate a reasonable amount of fat in the body. However, BMI does not directly measure body fat. For example, in some people, particularly athletes’ bodybuilding may have a BMI in the obese because their muscles grow too much to occupy large volumes although they do not have excess fat. So if we just rely on BMI will not accurately reflect your obesity. Ask your doctor if you have concerns about your BMI.
Obesity can increase the risk of serious health problems such as hypertension, diabetes and coronary heart disease. This situation also raises arthritis, causing dyspnea on exertion, sleep apnea and fatigue.
There may be other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about the side effects, please consult your doctor.
When should I see my doctor?
If you think you may be obese, especially if you are concerned about issues related to weight, see your doctor immediately. You and your doctor can assess the health risks and discuss ways to lose weight. Always discuss with your doctor to be appointed diagnostic methods, treatment and the best treatment for you.
Know the causes
What causes obesity?
Obesity is caused by too many calories absorbed. Some people gain weight so much that is not clear why. May be due to gene (genetic parents carry genetic tendency to gain weight for children), the psychological reasons (eat when under stress), or culture – social (people are encouraged to eat more).

Know the risk factors
What increases my risk for obesity?
Factors that increase risk for nosebleeds include:
- Genetics;
- Family lifestyle;
- Unhealthy eating habits;
- Quit smoking;
- Lack of sleep;
- Use of certain drugs;
- Age;
- The problem of social and economic;
- Health issues.
There are no risk factors does not mean you cannot get sick. These signs are for reference only. You should consult a specialist doctor for more details.
Understand the diagnosis & treatment
The information provided is not a substitute for any medical advice. ALWAYS consult with your doctor for more information.

How is obesity diagnosed?
To diagnose obesity, the doctor will ask about physical examination and medical history, eating habits, level of your exercise.
Then, your doctor may conduct two most common methods for assessing and measuring the weight-related health risks to your weight is:
- Body mass index (BMI) body mass index (BMI) was calculated using height and your weight by the formula: BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m) x height (m)). Typically, people with body mass index (BMI) greater than 25 is overweight, at 30 or higher is obese and at 40 or higher is obese serious.
- Waist circumference (your waist measurement in inches): Measure your waist circumference is another way to estimate your body fat how many.
How is obesity treated?
Diet, exercise and surgery can all apply. Dietitians and doctors can help us to plan a diet low in fat, low in calories. Exercise is an effective way, should have a personal tracking program to help prevent the complications of the disease. Some medications (stimulants) can cause weight loss and cause side effects. Use only try this after applying diet and exercise, take medication under the direct supervision of a physician.
An active lifestyle, exercise more and eat a healthy diet is the safest way to lose weight and improve your health. Work with your doctor or dietitian to establish safety calories each day you can consume to be able to just help you lose weight just maintain your health. Remember that losing weight slowly and steadily will help you avoid gaining weight back even more. The dietitian can teach you about:
- How to choose healthy foods;
- Healthy Snacks;
- Read the nutrition label before use;
- These new ways of food processing;
You should also know junk food restrictions under stress through stress reduction techniques such as yoga, exercise or medication. Contact your doctor if you suffer from severe depression and stress.
Some medications (stimulants) can cause weight loss and cause side effects. Use only try this after applying diet and exercise, take medication under the direct supervision of a physician.
If you are obese (above 100% of ideal body weight or have a BMI greater than 40) and the other fat loss methods ineffective, it may consider surgical measures, such like miniature stomach surgery, gastric band or gastric contractions.
Lifestyle changes & home remedies
What are some lifestyle changes or home remedies that can help me manage obesity?

The following lifestyles and home remedies might help you cope with obesity:
- Inform your doctor about your health conditions.
- Tell your doctor all the medicines you use. Call your doctor if you experience side effects from the drug.
- Consider participating in weight-loss support group.
- Participate in the daily activities.
- Understand your weight, body mass index and body fat in your present.
- Call your doctor if you gain weight despite dieting and exercise.
- Call your doctor if you have diarrhea or severe low blood sugar (glucose) after surgery.
- Learn about your condition will help you know what things to do and control their condition better.
- Set realistic goals: you should not put the weight loss goals too high, because it will be easier daunting.
- Consistently pursuing treatment plan.
- Have a proven track record of the treatment process: Please record the foods that you used and the physical activity you have done. This will help you maintain the responsibility for eating and daily exercise. In addition, it also helps you know the foods and activities that you need to keep or remove categories. Identify and avoid foods that can wake your appetite. Only eat when you really feel hungry.
Source: Article contributed by
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