There is presently no vaccine or treatment for Zika. The World Health Organization says the disease is spreading very fast in many countries around the world. However, what has raised a lot of concern about the virus is the recently discovered link to brain defects in infants as well as a rare syndrome that has the potential to lead to paralysis.

In countries such as Malaysia where there is an abundance of Aedes mosquitoes, the Zika virus has the potential to spread at a very fast rate. However, not a single case has been reported so far in Malaysia, but there is need for people to start taking preventive measures in order to keep the virus at bay .This is particularly important because the WHO has already Zika as an international public health emergency.


What is Zika Virus?

Zika virus is the virus that is responsible for causing Zika virus disease (Zica). It is spread to people mainly through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. However, the virus can also be passed from one person to another through sexual contact or blood transfusion.

What are the symptoms of Zika?

Zika is associated with a number of symptoms, including:

  • A rash
  • Joint pain
  • Headache
  • Mild fever
  • Conjunctiva (red, sore eyes).

It is thought that only one in five people who are infected with Zika develop the above mentioned symptoms. In addition, the virus rarely causes death.


How to Protect Yourself from Zika Virus

There are a number of ways in which you can protect yourself from the Zika virus. They include the following:


1. Using Over-the-Counter Bug Spray

Certain insect repellents, especially the ones containing 20 % picaridin or 25% DEET are very effective in repelling mosquitoes.

2. Treating or Wearing Specially–Treated Clothing

Specially-treated clothing impregnated with a repellent known as permethrin is available. There is also a new technology known as Insect Shield which is widely available in manufactured clothing. You can also buy Insect Shield in liquid form and treat your own clothes at home. It is available online.

3. Using Herbs and Essential Oils

Certain essential oils, including lemon, citronella, and rose geranium, have the ability to repel insects effectively. You just need to mix the oils with water and use the mixture to spray using a spray bottle. In addition, chewing on plants or eating foods in the Allium family can help repel mosquitoes. Examples of these plants include chives, garlic, and wild leeks, which emit a pungent odor that helps to repel insects.

4. Using Light Colored Clothing

Mosquitoes are known to like dark colors and it is therefore advisable to wear light colored clothes and also use light colored camping and hiking gear. In addition, it is always advisable to wear long pants, socks, as well as long-sleeved shirts at dusk and dawn. Mosquitoes are most active during these periods of time.

5. Prep Your Home and Exercise Indoor

Fix your house with screened-in windows and eliminate standing water throughout the home. Try exercise indoor since mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide and heat.