Petite comes in various shapes and sizes, but as a general rule of thumb, if you’re shorter than 5 feet 4 inches, you’re considered petite. I would also think this is pretty much half of the Malaysian female population (or is that a generalisation?).
Either way, don’t fret. In addition to sharing some flattering dresses for petite women, we’re also going to share a few styling hacks that you need to know to help you dress for your body proportions.
Related: Fashion Trends & Tips to Try for Shorter Women
8 styling hacks for petite women

1. Balance is key. If you’re busty on top, find high-waisted bottoms or a fitted top with a low waisted skirt. You need to find the right balance to even out your silhouette.
2. Have you tried shopping at the kids section? Not only are you lucky enough to buy clothes at half the price (most of the time), but you’ll be surprised to find that the fit is better for your frame. Look at a size 12/14 in the kids section and give it a go next time you struggle to find clothes in the adult section.
3. Invest in a trusted tailor. Any petite woman knows this is essential. You find a dress that you love but it’s slightly too large in certain areas, or too long, or needs a little nip at the back, or a bit off the arm. Whatever your fashion woes, you will need to find a tailor you can trust to help nip and tuck your clothes where needed.

4. Roll up those long sleeves. If you’re drowning in a long sleeve blouse, roll it up to your elbows. It will immediately create a balanced look.
5. Roll up long jeans/pants. A little trick if you don’t have time for a tailor: simply roll up the ends of your jeans/pants. You could either make them look intentional, or hide the rolls within the pants (inner hem).
6. Say no to distracting details. You know how some clothes have a cinched sleeve, or some added-on detail that serves no purpose? Do away with it and stick to simple clean lines.
Related: Embrace Your Proportions and Dress For Your Body Type
7. Pair shoes and bottoms in similar colours. This magically elongates your legs, think black leggings with black heels. It creates that illusion of one long line.

Related: Pulling Off the Minimalist Trend
8. Look for petite-friendly brands. You know how Dorothy Perkins and Top Shop have a Petite section? Yea, those. Keep your eye out for brands that design for smaller women (Bershka might be one of them too), and make these your go-to outlets for shopping.
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