GINTELL launched two new products, De’Wise Care Massage Chair and De’Vano S FUNtastic Sofa, at its Health Fair in IOI Mall Puchong on last Saturday. The ambassadors of the brand for the past 9 years, renowned actor and host Dato’ Jalaludin Hassan and well-known supermodel Amber Chia were seem at the launch event and sharing their experiences on how they benefit from the products of GINTELL with the audiences.
De’Wise Care Massage Chair
According to GINTELL, De’Wise Care is the world’s first massage chair to employ the XV-Track technology that features a 135cm massage track that stretches from your neck to thigh. It is also equipped with the Butterfly Kneading Massage technology and the 3D Rotational Guasa which offer the ultimate experience.
De’Vano S FUNtastic Sofa
The De’Vano S FUNtastic Sofa, is a 105cm V-Track Massage Track follows the contour of your body to reach your back, lower back and hips for a hand-like massage experience to release your stress and aches. Furthermore, the 3D Heating Massage Ball of De’Vano S helps to promote blood circulation and metabolism which are effective in eliminating water retention and shoulder pain. The special butt-shaping and pelvic correction massage airbags help to firm and shape buttocks. Its small footprints make it easy to place anywhere at home or office.
For more information, visit GINTELL.com.