Romance should be in the air 365 days of the year and not just on Valentine’s Day – with a little planning it can be even if there are bills to pay, children to raise and careers to be managed. Tina Albrecht, writer of FHEasy: A Year of Weekly Teachings and Devotionals,, says the key to staying in love with your spouse or falling in love with them again is time management.

Albrecht observes, “When you were dating and falling in love with your spouse, did you set up times to meet and have plans for things to do? Did you focus exclusively on what you were doing with him or her … or were you trying to juggle the date, your work, the phone, making a meal, and doing your laundry?”
Albrecht has seven inexpensive suggestions for dating your mate, one for every day of the week. She also advocates that individual couples keep a journal of what works best for them and customize their dates accordingly.
Among her ideas are:
- Set aside at least one hour a week to talk to your mate alone about the upcoming week, the kids, books you are reading or anything on your mind.
- Rub each other’s feet while talking about pleasant topics.
- Watch a TV program you’ll both enjoy – invoke a “no interruptions” rule.
- Build in a mid-week snuggle and catch-up session.
- Designate one night a week as date night.
In addition, every day for a month, make notes about what you did together. Note what you’re already habitually doing that connects you and then experiment with things you might enjoy doing together, always making a quick daily note about whether it worked or not. She advises writing every day about what you’re grateful for about your spouse and positive experiences you had together. Gratitude is magic for any marriage.
Source: | Tina Albrecht
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