Ava, a medical technology company focused on innovations in women’s reproductive health has recently launched a fertility tracking wearable that uses new technology to detect a woman’s fertile window – the Ava bracelet.

Ava bracelet is only required to be worn at night as it collects data continuously throughout the night, it accurately detects in advance an average of at least five fertile days per cycle without the hassle, messiness, and invasiveness of other methods like ovulation sticks and BBT thermometers. A user simply wears the Ava bracelet while sleeping and syncs it with the Ava app in the morning.
An FDA-approved Class One medical device, the Ava bracelet was proven in a recently concluded clinical study at the University Hospital of Zurich to detect an average of 5.3 fertile days per cycle with 89 percent accuracy.
Using newly developed technology, Ava monitors nine physiological parameters that detect the beginning of a woman’s fertile window. Each night, Ava’s sensors collect three million data points around physiological parameters including pulse rate, breathing rate, sleep quality, heart rate variability, temperature and more that correlate with the rise in reproductive hormones estradiol and progesterone. With this information, Ava is able to detect a woman’s entire fertile window.
Ava is available now at AvaWomen.com for $199.