Summer is finally here. Other than the usual beach holidays, this summer, you can consider some of unique activities and destinations recommended by British Airways: From spending a night in a prison-turn-hotel to hunting down the undead at a 1,000-year-old gravesite or living your life on the edge — at 574 feet up in the sky; these are just some of the unique vacations one can have with British Airways!
Here are British Airways’ top five adventurous destinations for this summer.
1. Palio Horse Race in Siena, Italy
Experience one of Italy’s most famous events this summer in Siena – The Palio. During the Palio, Sienese “contrade,” or different areas in the city, are divided to challenge each other in a passionate horse race in the Piazza del Campo, the heart of the city. The Palio horse race takes place twice a year – on the 2 July in honour of the Madonna of Provenzano and on the 16 August in honour of the Virgin Mary’s Assumption. This horse race is a unique, not-to-be-missed, passionate event that rouses the whole city and attracts tens of thousands of outside spectators. And, if you befriend a local, you may even be allowed to participate in the horse race!
2. Vampire Hunting in Prague, Czech Republic
In the town Celakovice near Prague, there is a 1,000-year-old site that contains the graves of a few “real” vampires! This cemetery dates back to the late 10th century, and is supposed to be the favoured burial site for vampires. It is believed that 14 vampires were buried here and the graves of 11 yielded skeletons which had their hands and legs tied and heads cut off. Rocks were placed on their bodies to prevent them from resurrecting as vampires. If graveyard visiting is not your cup of tea, take the safer route. After all, Prague is also full of vampire lore and stories are frequently shared through local tours.
3. “Prison Break” in Karosta Prison, Latvia
Built originally in the late 1930s as an infirmary, Karosta Prision was turned into a military prison during World War 2 by the Nazis and Soviets. It is believed that at least 5,000 prisoners were killed here and the prison is said to be haunted. It was in an episode of ‘Ghost Hunters International’. Today, the Karosta Prison is one of the most unusual hotels in the world. Guests are given the opportunity to participate in re-enactments based on life in the Karosta Military Prison decades ago and spend a night in one of the jail cells. Guests, however, are required to sign an agreement saying that they consent to being treated like prisoners during their stay. This includes sleeping on a thin mattress on woodern boards, eating prison food served through the barred doors, getting reprimanded by the guards and following orders dished out. Failure to comply would result in punishments such as physical exercises and cleaning duties. The Karosta Prison hotel is opened from May 1st to October 30th each year.
4. Live on the Edge in Tallinn TV Tower, Estonia
This will be a walk to remember – 574 feet up in the sky outside of the Tallinn TV Tower in Estonia. Up here one can enjoy a special panoramic view of the Old Town and the beautiful Baltic Sea. The 1980s-era Tallinn Television Tower is the tallest building in Estonia. Up in the tower, visitors can enjoy an interactive exhibition on Estonian’s greatest achievements and the fascinating overview of the history of the tower itself. For the daredevils, if weather permits, there is an option where they can repel down the tower.
5. Winery biking tour in Austria

Travellers can enjoy drinking and cycling through Austria’s Wachau Valley and interact intimately with its local wineries and wine cooperatives. Cycling allows travellers to stop as and when they want to explore the colourful countryside full of natural beutry and culture heritage. For instance, Richard the Lionheart was once held captive in a castle above the town Dürnstein, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in Wachau Valley.
Read also: Best Winter Getaways 2016 by British Airways