It’s handy to figure out what kind of traveler you are – do you prefer to experience your travels like a tourist? Or, like a local?
I personally fall into the latter category – traveling like a local is what makes my experience so much more fulfilling and enriching. I don’t want my travel log or memories to be filled with the horrors of a tour group, long queues, and basically feeling like I’m glued to a very strict schedule.

Instead, I prefer to take where the path leads me. Do as the locals do, immerse myself into the city’s way of life for that brief moment and come back home feeling like I truly know what it means to be in that particular city. This is especially the way I choose to travel when I go solo.
Related: Female Solo Travel Needs To Be One of Your New Year Resolutions
Of course this doesn’t mean you complete avoid the tourist attractions, but you don’t go through the laundry list just to be able to say “I’ve been there”. Where’s the fun in that? You pick a place that you know you absolutely must see, and then enjoy it for all its glory.
If you prefer to travel like a local, here are a few tips to help you go along that path
1. Relax and have an open mind
This is the first step. Remember, you are on vacation and you are in a city/place that is left to be explored. Don’t try to tackle it like you would a project at work. This is your chance to truly take deep breaths, sit back, enjoy the sights and sounds, and live. This also means, that whatever you stumble upon along the way that interests you, grab it and capture the moment. Don’t walk by just because you have a schedule to keep.

2. Eat and drink like the locals do
In some parts of the world, cultures have different eating habits or styles. In Spain, they have a siesta in the afternoon, which means dinner is later than you might be used to. Rather than trying to keep to your strict diet, do as the locals do. Have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything else in between the way they would. You might be surprised what you come across – perhaps a speciality or delicacy that you’ve never tried before. Enjoy that coffee, enjoy the cafes, or stalls. Whatever it is, just enjoy it. Try to avoid those touristy joints that serve everything and anything – go to a local deli and enjoy the local food.

3. Think about what YOU like to do, and do it
Are you interested in nature? Arts? Museums? Or rather, food? Shopping? Whatever tickles your fancy, find something you could do that’s unique to that particular city, and do it. Not a fan of museums or history? Skip them. Why drag yourself to a place that you know you won’t enjoy – don’t feel pressured to do something merely because it’s a most-talked about venue. Make your travel unique to your experience and trust us, you’ll have much better stories to share when it comes from an enjoyable experience.

4. My favourite – get lost
Most of the time we’re so particular about ensuring we are on the right path, or the right track. I ask you, why? Why not just put the map away and explore. Walk around, see what the place has to offer you. If you feel like you’re straying too far off the beaten path, ask a local for directions or tips. Check your map and adjust your path, but then just allow the path to lead you where it wants to. We often spend so much time burying our noses in maps, or our digital maps on our phones, that we walk by some of the most beautiful and scenic views around us.

5. Get out of your comfort zone
Don’t bring your routines from home with you on your travels. Leave that behind. Instead, make a pledge to yourself that wherever you may go, you’re going to do something that scares you. Or something that is not routine. It will make your trip one to remember, and you’ll thank yourself you did it. It doesn’t need to be as extreme as skydiving (though that’s definitely one to add to the list), but it could even be something as simple as, speaking to a stranger at a bar. OR, joining a dance class. Anything.
Will you be traveling like a local during your next vacation?
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